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6th Ewha International School on Data Assimilation (EISDA 2023)

EISDA 2023 will be held on August 7–11, 2023 at Ewha Womans University (EWU), Seoul, Korea. It is co-hosted by EWU’s two research institutions --- Center for Climate/Environment Change Prediction Research (CCCPR) and Severe Storm Research Center (SSRC), and sponsored by Specialized university program for confluence analysis of Weather and Climate Data (SWCD) which is supported by the Korea Meteorological Administration.



Data assimilation (DA) aims at incorporating available observations into numerical prediction model in order to obtain the most accurate (optimal) states. Use of satellite data is of utmost importance in modern numerical prediction of weather and environment. However, the success of satellite DA depends on many factors including radiative transfer model, observation operators, background/observation covariance errors, coupled models, etc. Therefore, understanding various aspects of DA, both theoretical background and applications, is essential for implementing successful satellite and coupled DA system. Students and junior scientists around the world are encouraged to attend this school to obtain knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of satellite and coupled DA.

52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodamun-gu, Seoul 03760, Korea

1. Take Seoul Metro (Subway) No. 2 (Green Line) and get off at Ewha Womans Univ. Station (#241).

2. Exit through either Exit 2 or Exit 3 to walk to the main gate of Ewha Womans University (about 5 minutes).

Inside Campus (Shuttle):

On the right hand side of the car gate, you can take a school shuttle (free) and get off near the Engineering Building.


EISDA 2023

Learn the fundamentals of data assimilation and its applications in Geosciences from world's leading scientists. Lectures will be based on a textbook, titled "Principles of Data Assimilation" (Park and Zupanski, Cambridge University Press, 2022).





*Seats are limited to 40 participants.

Hosts and Sponsors

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