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6th Ewha International School on Data Assimilation (EISDA 2023)

Principles and practical applications of data assimilation (DA) in Geosciences focusing on Satellite and Coupled DA.

Satellite and Coupled DA (I)

Day One


09:00 -- 10:15


10:30 -- 11:45

Math Background (I)

M. Zupanski

11:45 -- 13:00

Lunch Time

13:00 -- 14:15

Math Background (II)

M. Zupanski

14:30 -- 15:45

Tangent Linear & Adjoint Model (I)

S.K. Park

16:00 -- 17:15

Lab (I):

TLM/ADJM Code Generation Using AD Tools

S.K. Park

17:30 -- 19:00


Day Two


09:00 -- 10:15

Tangent Linear & Adjoint Model (II)

S.K. Park

10:30 -- 11:45

4D Variational DA (I)

L. Xu

11:45 -- 13:00

13:00 -- 14:15

4D Variational DA (II)

L. Xu

14:30 -- 15:45

M. Zupanski

16:00 -- 17:30

Lab (II):

DA with a Simple Transportation Problem

L. Xu

Day Three


09:00 -- 10:15

M. Zupanski

10:30 -- 11:45

L. Xu

11:45 -- 13:00

13:00 -- 14:15

L. Xu

14:30 -- 16:00

Lab (III):

Ensemble DA with Square-Root EnKF

M. Zupanski

16:15 -- 17:30

Lab Practice

Day Four

AUG 10

09:00 -- 10:15

Error Variance & Covariance Estimation

L. Xu

10:30 -- 11:45

Satellite DA (I)

M. Zupanski

11:45 -- 13:00

13:00 -- 14:15

L. Xu

14:30 -- 15:45

Satellite DA (II)

M. Zupanski

16:00 -- 17:30

Lab (IV):Minimization Using Steepest Decent & Conjugate Gradient

L. Xu

17:30 -- 19:00


Day Five

AUG 11

09:00 -- 09:50

Coupled DA (I)

M. Zupanski

10:00 -- 10:50

Coupled DA (II)

M. Zupanski

11:00 -- 12:00

Closing Remarks & Ceremony

Instructors & Participants



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